Sunday, November 16, 2008

James Bond the Invincible?

Anyone here watched James Bond : Quantum of Solace?

I wonder, why thousands of bullets fire by his enemy, none will hit Mr Bond.

On the other hand, all he need to do is just to fire a shot, and walah~ the man is dead

Anyone can tell me why la?

Issit because his blue eyes?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Death of a student

Attending lecture is a must for a college student. But its freaking 5 hours lecture.

Can die la like that.

Einstein also wont even survive the tedious long hours sitting in the lecture halls with the ice-cold air conditioner wind blowing swiftly. It seems the college wan to freeze us like butcher freezes chunks of steaks under big refrigerator.

My friend, Yen, used to complaint to me.

Yen : KeiJoe!! so COLD la!!!

KeiJoe : hey, dun kacau me la..i trying to listen here!!

Yen : OK lo ~.~

The next thing i know she's lying motionless.

She frozen to death jor T.T