Monday, July 13, 2009

Blue Monday

Today is monday.

Need not for me to remind people around that today is the worst day in the 7 days in a week.

Today was no exception for me as well. I've done something today that i regret for half hour of my life.

It started when i was driving along a busy road on the way to dinner with my fren. I turned into a one way road and i realized it. It was too late thou. I was unable to reverse nor proceed forward. So i'm stucked in the road there for half and hour.

Well, i dont usually write such emo post on my blog, but hey, guys also have his time of the month alright ;(


Oh btw, thats a donut censor my middle finger. Dont ask me why. It's monday blues. Who cares!

Let me express myself!

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