These resources is mainly money. You got the money, you got the power. The power to change everything. Even Michael Jackson changed to white because he got the money to do so.
Even if you did something wrong, Mr. Money can come and assist you.
Because of the willingness to give bribery, some people exploited the chance to do so. Many of offenders are corporate figures such as CEO.
In Malaysia, things are totally different. Corperate figures are considered "clean" compared to our Mister-Saya-Anti-Rasuah-Cop (Anti corruption cops).
I'm not saying that all Malaysian Police in corruption scandal. I'm not stereotyping them. But all i can say is that there are policemen who takes bribery as if its their main income of money.
Many of us in some point of our life gave bribery to them to avoid a face-smacking RM300 compound. I even admit i did it myself and then just to realize wat i did is very wrong.
Bribery leads to corruption. Once they start, it will never stop. Just like picking your nose.The first time you pick your own nose and you realize its so enjoyable when you get some "gold". So next time when the urge comes, you will do it over and over again.
Corruption and bribery start small and if we do not control it, eventually it will spread widely. Things will get ugly when corruption is out of control. Imagine people can even bribe the police even when they are caught red-handed raping a gal or killing someone. What will it be like with all those criminals walking on the street among us?
Today KeiJoe's Daily will suggest some methods to avoid the spread of bribery as follows :
1)Every police officer will have to wear recording device on them while on duty so they wont dare to ask for bribery.
2)Wear extra sexy when driving (not applicable to male drivers) so you can escape without even getting a ticket.
I'm sure these things will work!
3)Last but not the least is from the driver's attitude of not to give bribery to the police when asked.
So next time your friendly-Mister-Anti-Rasuah-cop stops you for traffic offence.....
Police :Selamat pagi encik (Good Morning sir)
You : Pagi O_O (Morning)
Police : Awak tau awak sudah buat salah? (You know you did something wrong?)
You : Ya, saya tau. (Yes i know)
Police : So, macam mana awak nak saya buat? Bagi saman RM300 nak tak? (So wat you wan me to do? I give you a speeding summon ?)
You : Jangan la Tuan. Maafkan saya. (Please don't sir. please forgive me)
Police : Ok. Maafkan awak boleh. Tapi awak kena belanja saya minum "kopi" boleh? (I can forgive you but only if you treat me drink "coffee".
You : Boleh Tuan. Nah ini dia! (of course sir. Here you go)
You : Ini kopi sedap.Tuan boleh bancuh sendiri.(This coffee is nice. Sir you can make this on your own)
This is a public service annoucement.
Say no to corruption!